How to make tea.
I have been struggling with the proportion since along time and time again I end up asking my friends for help as I have a habit of depending on my memory instead of making notes.Finally I though of noting it down permanently in my blog as this is the most visited site by me ;) , also I can invite my expert friends to fine tune the proportion and make it close to perfection.Here are the steps I followed today
1.Take water (in a pot) , half of the total volume of tea we are trying to make. Eg. for 2 cups of tea, take one cup of water.I don't recommend mineral water or filter water which we take for drinking because even if we take ordinary water , it is going to be boiled in the process of making the tea.
2.Keep the pot with water on the burner and start warming it up.
3.Take 0.75 fraction of tea spoon of tea per cup into the water. Eg. 1.5 tea spoon of tea powder if we are trying to make 2 cups of tea.
4.Keep the water with tea boiling till the color changes and it starts to come out of the pot.
5.Now minimize the flame (usually called as "sim") to avoid over boiling and spilling over the pot.
6.Add milk, (other) half of the total volume of tea we are trying to make. Eg. for 2 cups of tea, take one cup of milk.
7.After few minutes add sugar 2 tea spoon per cup into the water. Eg. 4 tea spoon of sugar if we are trying to make 2 cups of tea.
8.Now switch off the burner, mix the sugar with a spoon.
9.Now directly Strain the liquid (hopefully well made tea :D ) in the pot into tea cups.
[caption id="attachment_344" align="alignnone" width="384" caption="Straining the tea"]

That's all.Now drink the tea when it is moderately warm as I have some bad experience with burnt tongue.
I know its not the perfect recipe, so PLEASE give your valuable comments below this post.
Courtesy - Deepak , Pinky