Time Traveling With Google
http://www.google.com/search2001.htmlIn honor of it's 10th-year anniversary, Google has made available their search index from January 2001. In some cases, the results can be pulled from an Internet Archive. Here a some interesting findings while "Googling" back in time

This is the world of Google circa 2001, a time capsule adventure available until the end of the month at Google.com/search2001.html in celebration of the search engine's 10th birthday. (Google has released the earliest good version of its index available, which, for technical reasons, is from 2001 rather than 1998.)
Being an employee , the 1st thing I searched was "oracle" and got this link
this took me to oracle home page when I was in 11th standard. when i searched "gmail" , it didnt exist.
Note : you can always try http://www.archive.org/index.php for older version of any web page