Tech Days 2010

Tech Days 2010 is an annual event from Oracle that have raised the bar on technology. With exclusive previews of “what's next,” the conferences have provided insights, information, and expertise to developers around the world.
At Tech Days 2010, we heard hear from the brightest minds as they share cutting-edge technologies and ideas that can boost your career beyond the ordinary. With multiple tracks, 50+ sessions, hands-on labs, in-depth technology coverage, and exciting keepsakes, Tech Days 2010 is not just another conference to attend. It's THE conference to attend.
It was incredible to meet James Gosling ( , He was the keynote speaker on the day 1 (24th march) at Tech days by Oracle. Major highlight was JavaFx which he not only demonstrated but also his entire slide turned out to be a JavaFx program by him which was only 400 odd lines of code. That was productivity at its best.

The sessions started with a wonderful talk by Arun Gupta and followed by various other speakers like Abhishek Mahanty and chuck Mun Lee.Reports of both Day 1 and Day 2 can be found in Arun's blog. Some other of the notes can be found at